Monday, May 11, 2009

Women Empowered

I left church yesterday feeling empowered by a quote David Nilsen read in church, which said; that "men have to have something given to them in mortality to make them saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. They are born with an inherent right, and inherent authority, to be saviors of human souls...and the regenerating force in the lives of God's children." (Matthew Cowley)

Not only was yesterday a fabulously orchestrated day, but it was nice to hear that women, by their very nature, are nurturing, selfless, and powerful.

My family made me feel like a queen, and quite frankly, I could use more of it! Breakfast in bed, a song, dinner, cleaning; you name it, they did it. I suppose I felt a little guilty being so pampered, but it was glorious.

So much of what we do goes "unnoticed," but I think, in reality, it is the saving grace for our families. Our families would be lost without and we without them. it seems weak to admit that we need someone, but I think it is actually brave.

Some days are difficult with kids; little ones need constant attention and devotion, and teenagers have their own set of challenges, but one thing remains constant; they still need a mom and a dad.

I'm grateful for the experiences of "smotherhood" and motherhood. I have learned so much. I am a better parent because of Jennifer, Justin, Daniel, and Briana. I was just given love for them, from heaven, certainly. But because of our unique situation, I learned more patience. I want them to know what an impact they have had on my life. There were many difficult times, but I know that I grew from them. I would have been a better step-mother had I known then what I know now. But, as they say, hind-sight is 20/20. I did my best, and that is all I can say.

As for Jace, I think of him as the glue that really made all of us feel like a family. I'm glad I got this experience once in my life to feel life within me. Though I love him the same as my step-kids, there is no void in memories. We've had them together since day 1.

I'm forever grateful to be a mother, especially co-parenting with Jim. One of the reasons I wanted to marry him was because I could already see the kind of father he was to his children. He is incredible! I love and respect him so much for the way he treats all of his children.

For those struggling with younger children, hang in there; it gets better! For those who have non-traditional families; hang in there; it gets better!

I'm thankful for the woman who gave birth to my stepchildren. What a gift to the world and in my life.

Sorry for the novel, but I'm just overcome with gratitude to my loving Heavenly Father who helped my dreams of being a mom come true.

~Love you kids! You're such a joy to me! I'll always love you and believe in you!

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