Friday, January 29, 2010

Help Me Be Non-Resolute!

To begin, Christmas was so much fun with Briana and Clayton here, even though we gave them the stomach flu! We were all spoiled and had fun!!! We love them both and hope to spend more time with them when Tiffany gets married in May.

This year I refused to set any "new year's resolutions." In fact, I do not think I will ever make another resolution in my life! Call me crazy, but what is the point? If we are to better ourselves, we should not just think about it in January, it should be something constant in our lives.

I told Jim that I wouldn't be setting any new ones this year and not to plan a FHE around one. This has been a sort of tradition in our family. He asked me why, and I said, "I felt that the best way to celebrate the new year was to look for ways to serve others." It seems as though nothing big has happened to say that I've been completely successful; however, I think in our own little ways, we help and serve others. Hopefully we help them in their lives. If I can help you in any way, help me keep my "non" resolution! :D

Saturday was a beautiful, clear day in Erie. It was cold, but the sun was shining and I took a drive to the lake. While there, I pondered things in my life. Sometimes we forget that we can choose what we do with our lives, and more importantly, how we react to situations that arise along our journey. All of us are just on a path, climbing from one challenge to another. I wax verbose...

We went back as a family to see the beautiful beaches. It was wonderful, though freezing!

As I was wandering around in the wind taking pictures of this log in the beach and enjoying the dried grasses, tryng to be all artsy and talented,

I found Jim and Jace on a frozen bit of beach that was like a lake. They are always goofing around, so I said, "Ice skating!" This was their response...coordinated skating. Who said ice skating wasn't for real men?

They still crack me up!

But as I look at my un-resolute state, I realize that this year is new, will bring new joys, new challenges, and more love. I love my family, those who are here in our home, and those who have moved on. We miss and love you!

For now, I am content. I have a wonderful family & friends.

Again, if you can help me in my non-resolution, give me a jingle!

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